Our Allies
Our allies empower the organization to significantly impact the lives of vulnerable refugee families. Their monthly contributions, no matter how small, enable us to sustain our efforts on multiple fronts. If you're interested in joining forces with us, please leave a message at [email protected].
Let's Roam
Embark on unforgettable scavenger hunts and create lasting memories in cities worldwide!!City
Scavenger Hunts | Wander With Purpose | Let's Roam (letsroam.com)
Pascale Desert Treasures
Welcome to Pascale Desert Treasures, where every item tells a unique story. Our petite yet cherished store is brimming with handpicked treasures, mostly pre-loved clothing for women and men of all sizes. We rescue these pieces from the abyss of the landfill, transforming them into curated collections you'll love to wear.
Deadeyes Photography
"Curiosity is a sort of gluttony. To see is to devour"
Victor Hugo
Contact me at [email protected]